First and foremost, I want to emphasize that most of the fantasy novels out there are not, strictly speaking, taking place in the middle ages. Lord of the Rings, for instance, incorporated elements of "Merry England" into the shire, Anglo-Saxon culture into the Rohirrim, Norse mythology into his dwarves, and classical society into Gondor. Joe Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy, for all that it lacks firearms, takes place in a world that bears more resemblance to the Renaissance, with its emerging class struggles and its brutal inquisition. And his Empire's military rank structure and the description of its officer's uniforms definitely conjure up images of the 18th century.
Part of the fun of fantasy is the ability to mix and match elements from different settings and cultures. And of course, the presence of the fantasy elements themselves (magic, active gods and so on) will cause even an alternative history to differ from the real one.
But inevitably, readers of fantasy will assume that the setting is medieval European, and sometimes writers will get comments about what is and isn't realistic about their world building based on misconceptions people have about the middle ages. I've got a long list of these notions, and it would take far too much space to cover them all this week, but I'll cover a few of them today.
1. Forty was a ripe old age.
I think this notion stems from the fact that average life
expectancies were much lower in the middle ages than in modern times. Of
course, life expectancies in general were much lower before the middle part of the 20th century, and in the middle ages, actual life expectancies varied
somewhat by period (they certainly plummeted during the Black Death), location,
social class, gender and so on. But the average life expectancy for a baby
born in Medieval Europe was probably somewhere around thirty. This makes
sense when you consider the high rates of infant mortality. Between 30%-50% ofchildren did not survive to their fifth birthdays.
But if you calculate the life expectancies of people who
survived their childhood, the odds of making it to middle age and beyond
improved considerably, even in ancient times. Of course, infectious disease, war, childbirth
complications, accidents, and famine, claimed far more lives than they do in
modern times. But this is not the same thing as saying someone in their forties
was the equivalent of someone in their seventies or eighties today.
Or to put it another way, a high percentage of the people
who perished before they were in their sixties or seventies did not die of the
kinds of diseases we associate with old age today (heart disease, strokes,
cancer, diabetes and so on).
There are many difficulties with obtaining accurate
morbidity and mortality statistics for pre-industrial societies, but
it's unlikely that people older than fifty were rarities throughout most of
the middle ages.
2. No one ever bathed, washed their clothes, or cleaned
their teeth.
When I was in school, my history teacher told me that medieval Europeans had only three baths in
their entire lifetimes: when they were born, when they were baptized, and when they died. It's also
stated sometimes that people only bathed once a year. This
is simply untrue.
Obviously, medieval Europeans (along with pretty much
everyone else prior to the 19th century) lacked access to hot running water and
a microbial theory of disease. But they did understand the basics of hygiene.
They knew it was important to wash
their hands and faces before eating, and health
manuals extolled people to get rid of dirt and grime on their persons.
were public baths and bathing sites in many European towns. Interestingly,
bath houses were often mixed gender, and the Medieval Church
condemned their use for social purposes but didn't condemn their use for
cleanliness. People
in the middle ages may have bathed more than any of their descendents did until
the 19th century at least.
As for clothes washing, people tended to brush their woolen
outer garments instead of washing them, but they did wash their linen shifts,
shirts, smocks and aprons. This
site has a wealth of information about clothes washing in the middle ages.
in the middle ages also spent time caring for their teeth and trying to
combat bad breath. People often used tooth cleaning sticks or rubbed their
teeth with cloths and mild abrasives, and used a variety of herbs and rinses to
try and freshen their breath.
3. Girls were nearly always married and having babies by
their early teens.
This is an assertion that has puzzled me for a long time,
since it makes little sense to marry before one is likely to conceive or
survive childbirth.
I read in Sarah Blaffer Hrdy's book Mother
Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants and Natural Selection that women
reach menarche (first menses) much later, on average, in pre-industrial
societies, and that there is a three year sub fertile period following
menarche. If medieval girls didn't tend to start menstruating until their mid
teens, and they weren't fully fertile until their later teens, or even early
twenties, what would be the point of marrying 12-14 year old girls?
However, the legal age of marriage
was as young as 12 in many places (and girls are sometimes married this
young in modern times too), and there are certainly records of girls (and more
rarely boys) becoming parents at very young ages, at least in noble families.
This suggests that 12 has been at the lower end, at least, of menarche for
girls throughout history.
Obviously, age of menarche has always varied around a mean, and factors
like available energy,
body fat composition, and socioeconomic status influence, and maybe even
childhood experiences, will influence it. So there were certainly some
girls who reached puberty earlier than average for their era, and earlier
puberty may have been more common in the upper classes (where most of the
recorded examples of early marriage come from). It's also important to note
that legal marriages weren't always consummated right away. But there were many
nobles and royals who did not marry for the first time until they were in their
later teens or twenties. And the average age of first marriage was likely later
for commoners (who were not marrying for political reasons).
blog by Silvia Moreno-Garcia "The Trouble with Juliet," examines
some of the available data about marriage ages at different times and places in
the middle ages and provides evidence that refutes the notion that it was
commonplace for pre and young teen girls to be married and bedded in the middle
4. There were no people of color in medieval Europe.
This is often given as an excuse for omitting characters, or
even any mention, of people with ancestry outside of Europe
in either historic fiction or fantasy set in medieval-Europe like settings. In fact,
Europe was far less isolated from the rest of
the world than we like to think. Moreover, modern notions about race and racial
segregation (including intermarriage) are much more modern than most people
![]() | |
One of the black gondoliers | who worked in Venice during the 1300s-1600s |
Malisha Dewalt's
tumblr blog is dedicated to artwork that features people of color in
medieval Europe. In addition to the influence
of the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula, and the presence of people from the
Middle East in Southern Europe, there is evidence that there were at least a
few people
of African descent in medieval Britain.
What does this mean? For one thing, writers of historical fiction should take this into account when they depict medieval societies as being 100% white. And fantasy writers shouldn't assume that a society at a similar level of technology as the European middle ages would be lacking in racial or cultural diversity either.
5. Armor and weapons were so cumbersome and heavy that only
the brawniest of men could wear/use them.
Actually, a full suit of plate armor only weighed
around 45-55 pounds, which is in the same neighborhood as a soldier's kit
today. This is hardly light, but since the armor was distributed evenly across
the knight's body, it was actually easier to carry than a backpack. A
treadmill study that placed volunteers in plate armor did discover
![]() |
Full Plate Armor 1548-1569, Wikipedia |
Plate armor was also elaborately jointed to allow full
They actually had plate armor for
children (probably ceremonial, rather than utilitarian), and Joan of Arc
reportedly had a suit of armor commissioned for her.
There are also many misconceptions surrounding medieval
swords. One is that they were crude weapons that only allowed their wielders to
hack at their opponents. Another was that they were extremely heavy (some
people say in excess of 15 pounds) so that only the strongest warriors could
lift them. Actually, medieval sword fighting was complex and involved cutting,
thrusting and parrying. And medieval arming swords typically
weighed between 2-4 pounds, not that much more than a modern fencing epee.
Even William Wallace's claymore (a large, two-handed weapon) only weighs around 6 pounds
These are only a few of the less than factual notions that people have about the European middle ages. There are plenty of others floating around. What are some others you'd like to see addressed?
Some excellent mythbusting here. On the armour, they did wear much heavier armour in jousting contests, because there was no need to be manoeuvrable, and it's possible that some may have been winched onto their horse in that context. There's no record of it happening on the battlefield.
ReplyDeleteSome other myths for future posts: The nobles had power of life and death over peasants; Everyone thought the Earth was flat; The mediaeval Church was anti-science; Everyone in the middle ages was a noble, a knight or a peasant; Knights were virtuous and chivalrous (and their armour was always shining).
Yes, the flat earth idea. One would think that everyone knew by now that Columbus didn't actually prove the Earth was round (or even set out to do so), but it does pop up fairly often still. So many strange ideas.
ReplyDeleteThe notion that everyone except the nobles lived in desperate poverty is another one, as is the idea that even the poorest people today are wealthier than the richest back then. I ran across a paper a while ago that shows that that the average person in the middle ages was actually wealthier (in adjusted net worth) and better nourished than the average person in at ;least some African and Middle Eastern countries. Other common overstatements are that there was no concept of romantic love until the modern era (then why are tales of forbidden romance so pervasive throughout history), that there was no childhood prior to the modern era (then why did at least some kids get sent to school and why were there toys), that the church's negative view on sex made everyone a prude (anyone who ever read any of the Canterbury Tales should know that's not true).
That only the wealthy had horses. Is this true? Did they distinguish between horses vs. ponies, since I believe farmers had at least a pony for hauling their carts around. Did a group share one plow horse? That seems unlikely, because no matter how strong the plow horse, it is an animal that requires, well, rest. A horse can't work all day non-stop, and fields had to be plowed. So there seems to be some sort of discrepancy there.
ReplyDeleteIt's my understanding that horses became more important in plowing and farm work (gradually replacing oxen) as the middle ages progressed. The invention of the horse collar had a lot to do with this, as it distributed the load around a horse's shoulder and allowed the animal to exert greater force. This is one of those things that likely varied with time and location throughout the middle ages. Poorer city dwellers certainly wouldn't be able to afford horses (or have real use for them). Even moderately wealthy city people might find it easier to borrow or hire horses when they needed to take longer journeys. And yes, horses have to rest, just like people.